Catapult Alumni

Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction

I don’t swim to exercise. Rhythmic laps have never been my thing. Tonight, I swim because I’m restless, unsettled, and water helps to shift things back into place.

May 21, 2019
Catapult Alumni

I tell all the Lyft drivers that I’m from Long Island. Just how I used to say that I’m from Brooklyn — I moved when I was ten. But somehow, that sentiment, that connection, surfaces into the conversation. Into small talk, really. Winters in Long Island can be rough, too. It’s just colder here. The […]

May 11, 2019
Catapult Alumni
Sound Deliverance

Life rejected me. Music was there to catch me.

May 11, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
The Golden Eldorado

               It was about thirty seconds into the first round and not a hell of a lot had happened yet.  Pete and his opponent, some Bum-of-the-Month-Club guy, were testing each other out trying to spot a weakness, but already we sensed that Pete was in control.  Despite it being early in the bout, my […]

May 2, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Losing the Lizard Girl

            … and the amygdala wanted to make sense, so it tried.  Bopitty bop boom.  A persistent assertion was being made.  Sha boom bam.  The woman chord displayed its flamboyant finery, being major and minor at the same time, morphing into G minor and along the way, belting out a doubly diminished ninth cluster.  The […]

Apr 26, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
And In a Sense We’re all Winning- We’re Alive, or, Superbowl LIII

The last and only time I had paid attention to the Superbowl, or cared, was in 2017, when the Atlanta Falcons were playing the New England Patriots. Quickly, things shifted from looking like a surefire underdog triumph to a last minute victory for the MAGA-hat-wearing quarterback from the pastiest city in America. I was dating […]

Apr 23, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Poetry
Lost Among the Consonants

I’m writing our initials in black sharpie on the tunnel wall. There’s already people who have come before me, hundreds of pairs of Qs and As and hearts in the middle, through a small hole in the brick I can hear the French accents, spinning through, a reminder that I am not where I belong, […]

Mar 28, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Fear and Trembling

Years of complacency undone by one little pill

Feb 21, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

I remember lyin’ upon my momma’s bed lookin’ to the shards of sunlight slippin’ through the cracks of the wall’s boards; I came out upon that bed that was standin’ within a room that Momma called “the shed.” Well, she called it that because it stuck out from the side of the shack that we […]

Feb 13, 2019