Places | Arrivals and Departures
My Higher Power Is an Airport

The forces of air travel are virtually unknowable and immense, and we ourselves are small. I find a sort of peace in that.

Mar 12, 2020
Arts & Culture | Movies
On Horror Movies and What It Means to Rewrite the Dead Girl

She is the page on which the story is written. Her body is a crime scene, and the victim of the crime, and the perpetrator of a crime, all at once.

Oct 30, 2019
People | Mental Health
Nature or Nurture: Insomnia and What We Pass On to Our Children

“How do I teach her letting go, when my hands are still gnarled in the shape of everything I’ve ever lost?”

Jul 25, 2018
People | Mates
Why I’m Letting My Best Friend Haunt Me

“The symptoms of anxiety and the symptoms of a haunting are so similar.”

Dec 14, 2017