Don’t Write Alone
Narrating My Audiobook Felt Like Doing an Impression of Myself

Even the most authentic voice on the page is a translation, a refraction, an altered version of the author’s actual speaking voice.

Sep 28, 2021
Columns | Fallen Women
‘The Wizard of Oz’ Is a Story About Grief

We’re told the Wicked Witch wants the ruby slippers because they have magic powers—but so does any material object once possessed and cherished by a deceased loved one.

Jan 7, 2020
Columns | Fallen Women
What Poison Ivy Can Teach Us About Fighting Climate Change

Sure, sometimes she went a little overboard, trying to kill the executives rather than merely destroying their empires . . . but she had the right idea.

Sep 12, 2019
Columns | Fallen Women
Dangerous Desire: On ‘Killing Eve’ and Finding Space for Queerness in a Straight-Passing Relationship

I recognize myself in Eve’s character because I don’t think Villanelle is just a woman she’s attracted to. Villanelle represents Eve’s queerness in general.

Aug 7, 2019
Columns | Fallen Women
I’m Done With Cautionary Tales About Women and Power

Lilly Dancyger on casting spells and re-watching The Craft during an election season.

Jun 27, 2019
Columns | Fallen Women
On Star Trek: Discovery’s Philippa Georgiou and How We Turn Our Mothers into Villains

I blamed my mother for so many things, but I blamed her especially for being a mere mortal when what I really needed was a supreme, supernaturally benevolent being.

May 13, 2019
Columns | Fallen Women
What Catwoman Taught Me About Sexuality and Power

Wearing the catsuit and embodying Pfeiffer’s slinkiness as best I could in my awkward, skinny body, I understood for the first time that I could be a sexual being, not just a sexual object.

Apr 30, 2019
How To | Ritual
How I Learned to Stop Judging and Love Insta-Witches

“The whole idea of a spell is that you send your intention outward into the universe—what if the Internet is just another way to do that?”

Jun 7, 2018