Columns | Myanmar Voices
“My art is a way to show that we are fighting”

For us in Myanmar, the art reflects our reality.

Sep 21, 2021
Columns | Myanmar Voices
“It is the people who have power”

I must be ready to be the best person I can be to serve my country.

Jul 28, 2021
Columns | Myanmar Voices
“Whoever Holds the Banner Will Be Shot”

That day, my sister was not scared. She protested because what is happening in Myanmar is not right.

Jun 30, 2021
Columns | Displaced Voices
We Lined Up for Bread and He Massacred Us

Here in Idlib, Syria, we have gone back to the most primitive ways of living: We cook on coal. We wash our clothes by hand. But we are surviving. Some days it feels like a miracle.

Jul 23, 2019
Columns | Displaced Voices
In His 70s, a Congolese Physician and Refugee Dreams of Medical School Once More

From the Congo to a refugee camp in Kenya to resettlement in Austin, TX—this is the story of a doctor who is starting over.

Jun 19, 2019
Columns | Displaced Voices
The Guatemalan Asylum Seeker Who Was Almost Deported—to Mexico

I told him clearly in that interview: “I am here because I’m afraid I will be killed in my country. I cannot return to Guatemala. I will die if I do.” The immigration officer acted like he did not understand.

Mar 27, 2019
Columns | Displaced Voices
My Hijab Looks Great with My Cowgirl Boots

We left Syria at five a.m. on the morning after my ninth-grade exit exam.

Feb 27, 2019