Columns | In this Climate
The American Road Song Is Changing with the Climate

It’s not just a single driver who’s lost direction and seeks a new destination—it’s an entire population.

Feb 4, 2021
Columns | In this Climate
‘The Martian Chronicles’ Made Climate Change Visible

Climate change can often seem invisible, because at base, it’s a physics problem.

Apr 30, 2020
Columns | In this Climate
‘Star Trek’ Failed to Reckon with Our Greatest Threat: Climate Change

Humanity appears to have succeeded at solving the climate crisis and eliminating capitalism. But how? And at what cost?

Feb 6, 2020
Columns | In this Climate
“Here Comes the Sun” Was an Anthem of Hope, Now It’s a Reminder of Climate Change

Every day, as news reports about climate change become more threatening, I grow more nostalgic for the places and objects of my childhood that feel increasingly imperiled.

Jan 9, 2020
Places | Science | Climate Change
Encountering Beauty and the Effects of Climate Change in Acadia National Park

As a child growing up in a landlocked state, I’d imagined the flock of gulls as a cloud of wings, calls sounding like laughter. Now I was struggling to grasp all that we’d lost.

Nov 6, 2018