When Your Landlord Shuts Off the Water Without Telling You First Because He’s Fixing a Leak in Apt. 43 Right Above You

And all you keep thinking about is the sex you’re not having with people you aren’t dating.

Oct 21, 2015
A Complete Fabrication, An Advertisement, & A Dedication

A COMPLETE FABRICATION He said he wanted to marry me. No, don’t laugh, I swear, shut up, why are you laughing? Stop it. I’ll throw my shrimp salad at you. He’s allergic to shellfish, did you know that? When we were there, the last time, you know, when he had a ring and everything and […]

Sep 19, 2015
Fiction | Short Story
In the Land of Milk and Honey

Originally published in Four Chambers Press, Issue 2 (Print)

Sep 14, 2015