Family | Parenting

Laissez Les Morts Temps Rouler: Goth Parenting in New Orleans

Maniacal clowns and pale men with eyes in their palms are the worst my son has to fear in life. Or so I wish.

We’ve been in the Guillermo del Toro exhibit for five minutes when I realize it may not be the best place for a two-year-old.

Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters

Crimson Peak, Pan’s Labyrinth Hellboy


Peeping Tom Audition,

The Hound of the Baskervilles Dracula. Dracula: A Counting Primer

Really, don’t worry—he lives for this stuff.

Your nephew’s never been to our place.

No, you don’t understand. See, I want him to like it, because it’s who his mother and I are and what if he grows up and studies finance? What if we can’t control what he loves—and what he fears?

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit:

Spongebob Curious George
