Columns | Exit Interviews

Hiring a Chief Diversity Officer Won’t Fix Your Racist Company Culture

Racial equity must be a top priority for everyone, incorporated into how a company hires, makes decisions, and approaches all of its objectives.

This is Exit Interviews, a column by Nadia Owusu on the experiences of women of color in the workplace.


Sandra told me that the foundation had hired her “to solve their racism problem.” I asked how that was going. “Not great,” she said. 

Decolonizing Wealth,


The organization’s leaders can say that they tried, that they are still trying, as the gap between what they commit to on their websites and how employees actually experience the workplace continues to widen. 

everyone’s everyone’sall


Nadia Owusu’s essay “The Wailing” is included in the anthology forthcoming from Catapult in February 2020.