
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

Blue. A vast expanse of faded denim dotted with cotton-ball white plumes. Will drew a breath. And it was agony, a red flash of burning that felt like an anvil had been dropped upon his chest. He tried again, just a small gulp of air this time. The pain was still there, but deep orange […]

Jul 9, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

from 2013 – a magical short story

Jun 27, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

A tale of letting go of things not meant for us

Jun 24, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
The Golden Eldorado

               It was about thirty seconds into the first round and not a hell of a lot had happened yet.  Pete and his opponent, some Bum-of-the-Month-Club guy, were testing each other out trying to spot a weakness, but already we sensed that Pete was in control.  Despite it being early in the bout, my […]

May 2, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Losing the Lizard Girl

            … and the amygdala wanted to make sense, so it tried.  Bopitty bop boom.  A persistent assertion was being made.  Sha boom bam.  The woman chord displayed its flamboyant finery, being major and minor at the same time, morphing into G minor and along the way, belting out a doubly diminished ninth cluster.  The […]

Apr 26, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

I remember lyin’ upon my momma’s bed lookin’ to the shards of sunlight slippin’ through the cracks of the wall’s boards; I came out upon that bed that was standin’ within a room that Momma called “the shed.” Well, she called it that because it stuck out from the side of the shack that we […]

Feb 13, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

Life is painted with colors provided from its people, so the sidewalks surrounding me are flooded with color as I walk them, and my mind is filled to pulsating with imaginings of these individuals’ lives. And when seeing people blatantly exuding color from their clothing, and hair, to their physical gestures, my mind releases spilling […]

Feb 8, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction

Is that where I belong?

Jan 17, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
At Sunrise

Neighbors could hear the obscenities shouted from the fourth story window on the eve of the New Year. Couples shuffle back from dinner reservations and small children cling tightly to their mother’s hand. All who come back are coming back before midnight. And all could hear the profanities that hang in balance from the fourth […]

Jan 2, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
The Young King and Queen

We are the world, We are the Children,

Dec 30, 2018