Places | Migrations

The Wailing

“There is no greater insult than to have your death ignored.”

The EconomistNadia, come and read this article out loud to me. Let’s hear what’s happening in the world!”

“Crêpes! Crêpes pour tout le monde aujourd’hui!”

This is the story of how we begin to remember. This is the powerful pulsing of love in the vein. Did you hear that line, Nadia? Did you hear it? He is a poet, Paul Simon, a true poet.”


This last time, he had been in the hospital for a month. The ambulance came to take him away on a Saturday. The arrival of an ambulance was so much a part of our lives that no one woke me up to tell me. I stumbled down the stairs for breakfast as usual, half-blind without my glasses, wearing my fuzzy slippers and pajamas.

Buongiorno, signorina.”
