People | Unreported

Nineteen Slaves

“I thought I would be able to claim some exemption from the darkest time in our history.”

Gone with the Wind

but not all of thembut then they had been given reservations to live onbut then they had been freed



Burket’s Explanation of the New Testament

An inventory of Peter Cocke’s possessions.

The Emancipator

Knoxville Register


s slaves. He was willed to my seventh great-grandmother, Mary, to be sold in the event of her death or remarriage, and the proceeds from his sale were to be divided among Peter’s children. In 1810, Hall paid the Cocke family a sum of five hundred dollars through a lawyer, with the intention of buying his freedom. Whatever dangers awaited him outside of Tennessee, outside of slavery, Hall wanted out.



depraved and corrupting man of color

but I have reaped its benefits.but am I a part of something that continues to allow these terrible things to happen?
