How To | Growing Faith

Home, Mosque, and Synagogue: On Parenting and Sacred Spaces

“All the world is a mosque for a believer.”

now,Please put your shoe back on. Please don’t spit up on my skirt today. Thank God we made it to shul before it was over. This time.


Hear O Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one

Brit” means covenant, and the Jewish circumcision ceremony is the covenant marking the entrance of a newborn boy into the Jewish people. I’ve been to many circumcisions in synagogues where the mother was shunted off to the back, her scarcely discernible presence already overshadowed by the testosterone-bearer she had borne a scant eight days before. The mothers never seemed to mind much, but I did, and at some point I decided that if I ever had a boy, I would have the brit in my own home.

Hear O Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one.