Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Writing in the Nooks and Crannies of the Day or Night

Writing requires solitude so that the ghosts will come unencumbered.

Sep 15, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Free Write
Write a “Bad” Poem

When you try to be “good” it doesn’t always work, but something fascinating happens when you try to be “bad.”

Sep 14, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Interviews
Elissa Bassist Gave Her Book Everything She Had

In this interview, Elissa Bassist discusses her memoir “Hysterical,” keeping her humor sharp, and the endurance test of writing a book.

Sep 13, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Kristen Arnett and Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya on Sharing a Writing Space

Neither of us has dated another writer—we both said we wouldn’t. Part of our hesitation had to do with very literal questions of how to share space.

Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
I Write Wherever My Mind Can Be Free

Better than controlling my writing mind, I’ve figured out that what my brain wants most is to be free

Sep 8, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Free Write
What’s Beyond the Horizon of Your Obsession?

Take a deep dive into your obsession with this poetry prompt from Luther Hughes.

Sep 7, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
What We Talk About When We Talk About Book Titles

When a writing project has a good title, everyone can feel it. But getting there can be a struggle—for both the author and the publishing team, if your project happens to be a book.

Sep 6, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Shop Talk
How Not to Lose Money as a Published Author

Writers are under increasing pressure to spend their own money while promoting their books, even if their book is published by a Big Four publishing house.

Aug 31, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Opportunities
Funding Opportunities for Writing and Publishing Translation

If you work in translation, check out this list of grants and fellowships with approaching deadlines.

Aug 30, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
What Celebrity Blogging Did to My Writing Voice

On some days I’d write up to twelve posts, each snarkier than the last. The meaner I was, the more they liked me.

Aug 29, 2022