Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone | Interviews
Lauren Oyler Is Interested in the “Patheticness” of Our Online Lives

As part of our Social Media Week series, editor Kendall Storey chats with ‘Fake Accounts’ author Lauren Oyler.

Apr 26, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Notes on Craft
Writing Social Media Into Fiction

Social media is often portrayed as the enemy of the writer—but like any good enemy, perhaps it’s best to keep it close. Don’t miss this craft essay by Isle McElroy for our Social Media Week series.

Apr 26, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
Why I Haven’t Invited Twitter Into my Writing Practice (a Thread)

As part of our Social Media Week series, Cinelle Barnes writes about being a writer and not being on Twitter.

Apr 25, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
Finding Literary Community by Making Bad Jokes on Twitter

As part of our Social Media Week series, Kristen Arnett writes about her journey on Twitter, the Hell App, and how she uses the platform to connect with other writers and try out bits.

Apr 25, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Notes on Craft
To Write for Middle-Grade Readers is to Write About Elsewhere

We’re not writing for us as we are now, but us as we were, or could have been, or should have been.

Apr 21, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
Like Being a Good-Enough Mother, Being a Good-Enough Writer Is Enough

I love and care for my child unconditionally. Maybe I can do that for my writing too.

Apr 20, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Interviews
Vanessa Hua on Imaginative Inquiry and Historical Fiction

In this interview, Aditi Malhotra talks with Vanessa Hua about the fourteen-year process of writing and research that went into her new book, ‘Forbidden City.’

Apr 19, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
Writing Your Little Stories In the Shadow of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop

I was planting my cornfield, hoping that the magic baseball team (a.k.a my writing group) would eventually show up. If you build it, they will come.

Apr 18, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Opportunities
Expand Your Artistic Endeavors with a Fellowship or Residency

Looking for some residencies and fellowships to apply to? Here are a few you might want to bookmark.

Apr 14, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Notes From Class
Whose Voices Get Heard in a Writing Workshop?

In my MFA, the people who spoke the most were praised for their intelligence. But the pressure to participate isn’t helpful for every student.

Apr 13, 2022