Arts & Culture | Queer Life

My Queer Chinese Comrades, in My Mother Tongue

Today tongzhi is seldom used in a political context, if ever: The Beijing LGBT center is called Beijing Comrade Center; 同志村, or comrade village, translates to gayborhood. So yeah, everyone knows what comrade really means—everyone except the president of China, apparently.

Tongzhicomrade. brothersister

I am hungrywhat time is it where is the bathroom .


Do Americans really put milk in their soupAnd are there a lot of gay people?

tongzhicomrade villagegayborhoodEating OutcomradeTongzhimenTongzhimen

we hope you do well

Never have I ever had sex!

Gangkou routinememorycustom

Lonely in Shenzhen . . . any dominant femmes nearby?O!My kin!

likesticking a prick in ya so you can have babies!


qi xiongdi

zishu nuself-combing womenmirror-polishing

pellucid sere gaucherie