Arts & Culture | Rekindle

In Pursuit of Prodigy: The Last Samurai and Me

“Books are the cause of so many bad ideas.”

Kaegi’s Greek Grammar Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους, Apology of Socrates Odysseygood

The Last Samurai

The Last SamuraiPig Fancier’s Monthly The Seven Samuraibushido Odyssey Kalilah wah Dimnah.

cynosuraκύνωσουρά kuōnouraTLSTLS The Seven Samurai

The Last SamuraiThe Last Samurai all hears elan TLS

on n’est pas serieux quand on a dix-sept ans, all

havebeX-MenFinnegans Wakework


The Last Samurai

Pig Fancier

The Last SamuraiIf we fought with real swords I would kill you.