Arts & Culture | Queer Life

I Let Go of My Faith When I Came Out—But I Still Believe in Jennifer Knapp

What was I getting out shame, anyway? So I walked away from it all: going to church, reading scripture, prayer, even the Christian music I loved so much.


KansasAnd reaching out my weary hand / I pray that you’ll understand / you’re the only one who’s faithful to me

Present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind.

You’re the only one who’s faithful to me.

the peace that passes all understanding in a world crazed with fearKansas

Create in me a clean heart, O God / Renew a steadfast spirit within me / To my prayers you’ve always given heed

Well it’s time to get down on my knees and pray / Lord, undo me / put away my flesh and bone, til you own / the Spirit through me


The AdvocateChristianity Today

Letting Go

Even though they say we have fallen, / doesn’t mean that I won’t do it twice / Given every second chance, I’d choose again / to be with you tonight


I’ve never been much for the baring of soul in the presence of any man

So turn on the light and reveal all the glory / I am not afraid, / To bare all my weakness, knowing in meekness / I have a kingdom to gain

Turn on the light and reveal all the glory / I am not afraid

I can’t imagine you with a manI can’t imagine you as religiousI can’t imagine you believing that shit

Turn on the light and reveal all the glory I am not afraid.