Columns | Ghost Light

Waiting for Godot as an Impatient Schoolgirl

This was a time in my life when I believed fervently in a loving God, when I wanted to be obedient, and obedience meant waiting.

The DivinersTwelve Angry MenThe Crucible


The Terrible Truth About Tuna Fish

Check. Your. Phone.

I know the show.

It’s . . . Waiting for Godot.


What? Is? Happening? Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Godot

Sesame Street

We’re the only seniors in the cast. So . . .

Vladimir and Estragon?

The Sims

“Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it’s awful.” That’ll be one of your lines and you’ll be the best at saying it.



All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten



waiting for Godot full text playclick

KindergartenUtter satisfactionWe shall be filled

I can’t, I have rehearsal

Kentucky Cycle



Be careful what you wait for

Fuck yeahA country road. A tree. Evening.