Columns | Sepia Tone

Finding Nostalgia in Diasporic Film

Immigrant nostalgia is a Hydra—a lashing, many-headed thing made of grief.

East Is EastMississippi MasalaKuch Kuch Hota Hai

Bend It Like BeckhamWhere’s the Party Yaar?

nostalgianóstosálgosHomesicknessborrowed translation of nostalgia

personality quizzesviral memes“Only ’90s kids will remember”Arthur

Redefining the Immigrant South: Indian and Pakistani Immigration to Houston during the Cold War

With All Due Respectstates it smugly

The NamesakeHarold & Kumar Go to White CastleWhere’s the Party Yaar?Bend It Like Beckham

Bend It Like Beckhamthe queer film that could have been

American DesiMississippi MasalaWhere’s the Party Yaar?