Catapult Alumni

Catapult Alumni
Fresh Meat

A Halloween Story

Oct 12, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Thanks for the Ride

Strangers tend to divulge their stories to me. I started to notice this trend particularly when I rode the bus to college. During my twenty minute ride to the university, amidst the traffic on Hempstead Turnpike, fellow riders would open up to me about their life. Insecurities and all. And even now, I find that […]

Sep 26, 2019
Catapult Alumni
Are Cartoons and Fandoms of Today as Progressive as We Think?

Is it time to reconsider the media we praise?

Sep 3, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Rice Bullies

“Similar to the way people giving up sugar, and cutting back on calories, drink gin or vodka and tonics.”

Aug 25, 2019
Catapult Alumni
4 Tips for Writing a Good Story

Every aspiring writer will inevitably come to a point where they have a crisis of confidence and feel they cannot write a good story—or at least, cannot write to the level of proficiency they wish. How do you write a good story, anyway? We could write entire tomes about this Impostor Syndrome, or Fraud Syndrome, […]

Aug 22, 2019
Catapult Alumni
How Popular Is Your Zodiac Sign?

This is the most common zodiac sign in each US state.

Aug 21, 2019
Catapult Alumni
on getting sick in the hospital and other mayhem

TW:  psych hospitals/talk of suicide that time in the hospital was the second time in the hospital and we smoked cigarettes all day while also playing cards all day and  cracking jokes all day and i thought i’m never going home and when the doctor said (not nicely) why don’t you go home i said […]

Aug 17, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Diving Under

This is the doorway into revelation, into self healing.

Aug 15, 2019
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction

Somehow losing myself, fighting for solid ground against wells of grief and tears, forgetting my name, being caged and medicated, allowed me to find reality.

Aug 9, 2019