Catapult Extra

Tuesday Link Roundup

Hello, I am a grown woman who has slept with the bathroom light on ever since I started watching “The Handmaid’s Tale.” There’s certainly no shortage of thinkpieces about this show, and true to form I am now working my way through every single one of them. Here are two I think you should read: […]

“Nationally, Hispanic, black and Asian women make up less than 5 percent of newsroom personnel at traditional print and online news publications, according to 2016 data from the American Society of News Editors.”

At that line, I felt a little bit embarrassed myself. One of the most demoralizing things about Trump’s election was the way it immediately called into question the usefulness of even the strongest and most dedicated reporting. He was a sexual harasser, an alleged assaulter, a walking exemplar of conflicts of interest, a man who lied about giving to charity, a man whose business history was checkered by racism and failure and fraud. We elected him anyway. It’s true that journalism exposes injustice against the weak, as Bee said, but, at the moment, a good portion of the country seems to favor injustice against the weak.

A History of Sequins!