Fiction | Short Story
Heaven and Hell for Gerard

While mister and misses Clementine were waiting in the faintly yellow waiting room, the man started to scratch heavily behind his ear. He turned his head to the left so he would get the right spot. “Stop it Gerard, you’re making me nervous”, his wife said. Miss Clementine was a small woman, with a hair […]

Nov 24, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
The Clouds

Hank pressed the bell, and not even two seconds passed before the door opened up with a cracking sound. A man appeared with a bald spot on top of his head, but long hair on the sides. He must have been close to fifty years old, was wearing a white shirt with stains on it, […]

Nov 21, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
The Silent Porch

When the man sat down on his porch, overlooking the ocean, he heard the birds, trying to discover unknown musical notes. Far in front of him the water tried to reach the dying sun. He wondered if the sea had a desire to become gold. All of his life, he had been a fisherman, traveling […]

Oct 23, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
Lost in the Alps

Snow fell over the dark, night time Alps. The stars, that are always more beautiful the higher you go, were blocked by winter clouds. The man stood guard along the ridges of one mountaintop. It served as an outpost, from where he could see the enemy’s trenches. The snow had halted the war, or at […]

Oct 12, 2016