Don’t Write Alone | Columns
When Is It Time to Give Up on an Old Project?

In the fifth installment of our Tarot + Craft column, Sarah Elaine Smith gives advice to a writer who is growing tired of working on their manuscript.

Nov 1, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Columns
Help! Has Motherhood Made Me Too Sensitive to Write?

In the fourth installment of our Tarot + Craft column, Sarah Elaine Smith gives advice to a writer who is having difficulty putting their main character through trauma

Sep 9, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Columns
Help! Should I Write What I Want—Or Should I Try to Make Money?

In the third installment of our Tarot + Craft column, Sarah Elaine Smith gives advice to a writer who wonders if their style is too weird for readers

Jul 29, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Columns
Help! How Should I Embark on an Unfamiliar Genre Journey?

In the second installment of our Tarot + Craft column, Sarah Elaine Smith gives advice to a writer who is considering exploring a new genre

May 25, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Columns
Help! My Jealousy Over Other Writers’ Success is Destroying Me

In our first Tarot + Craft column, Sarah Elaine Smith gives advice to a bitter writer

Apr 12, 2021