Haven’t written anything in some time. It isn’t because I haven’t had anything to say, but because my family and I made the move to GA on June 4th, finally got into our new house on June 11th, and are still unpacking boxes and making it like home. Let me tell you first hand: relocating […]
For borderlines, change is good. We are rolling stones. Stay in one place too longĀ and you get complacent. Get complacent and the mind is allowed to feel satisfied. Once the mind slips into the comfortable state of satisfaction, the demons are free to play. Their screams louder than ever. So I have to DO […]
The day to day adventures of a husband and father with borderline personality disorder.
The day to day adventures of a husband and father with borderline personality disorder.
The day to day adventures of a husband and father with borderline personality disorder.