Fiction | Short Story
Apartment Legend

“Psst, hey! Come here!” said Terrance. Diego rolled over to his stomach and unfurled  his arms until he almost touched the spot of sunlight in the distance. The floor was blanketed with fur, but he could feel the warmth absorbed into the hair. “What do you want?” he said, when reaching Terrance’s tank.  “It’s almost […]

Aug 2, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
The Astronaut’s Ego

Focus, this is it. It’s your time. You’re almost there. Three days from now and everyone will see. They’ll know. They can no longer pretend like what you’re doing is not monumental. Game-changing. You’re about the alter the freakin’ world. Or worlds, rather. I’ll be the first to see it all with my own eyes. […]

Aug 2, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Print My Life

Hey girl! Hey! What’s the plan for tonight? Ugh, it’s so damn cold outside. I was thinking we could stay in. That’s fine with me. Should we stream a movie? Nah, I’m feeling crafty. How about a DIY night? I have my 3D printer stocked and ready to go. Sounds like fun! It will be. […]

Jul 11, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Time Traveler’s Daughter

Melly awoke upon hearing the clamoring in her mother’s bedroom. Standing outside the door, she counted to 10 and the noise began again, perfectly on cue. The knob was hot to the touch, forcing Melly to use her pajama sleeve to push it open. She peeked inside and she saw her mom lying on her […]

Jul 11, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
7th Day of Sleep

Julia hurriedly walked into the Rogers Park Parent Organization. Her busy single-parent schedule of juggling two jobs and a 16-year-old provided no extra time to keep RPPO obligations. But now her daughter was suffering. It started last week when Rashida began her first medically induced sleep cycle. Apparently, 75 years of research and development isn’t […]

Jul 11, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Underwater Communicado

Coma Communication TTS Request: Please translate the following letter to audio and play once daily until November 3, 2053. Sender: Sophia Tirado,  Senior Anthropologist, World Marine Center,  San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA Receiver: Carolina Tirado, Senior Resident, Casa Puebla Health Home, Chicago, IL, USA Mami, Today, the silence ends. I make my first descent in one hour. Catfish, mackerel, sting […]

Jul 11, 2018