Fiction | Short Story

Print My Life

Hey girl! Hey! What’s the plan for tonight? Ugh, it’s so damn cold outside. I was thinking we could stay in. That’s fine with me. Should we stream a movie? Nah, I’m feeling crafty. How about a DIY night? I have my 3D printer stocked and ready to go. Sounds like fun! It will be. […]

Hey girl!

Hey! What’s the plan for tonight?

Ugh, it’s so damn cold outside. I was thinking we could stay in.

That’s fine with me. Should we stream a movie?

Nah, I’m feeling crafty. How about a DIY night? I have my 3D printer stocked and ready to go.

Sounds like fun!

It will be. I just downloaded the latest software update and it features a mystery function.

What’s that?

You complete a profile of your likes and dislikes and using an algorithm, it prints something out based on your preferences.

All users have been really amped about what it produces. But they won’t say what it was.

That’s weird.

Yeah, a bit. Anyway, how far are you?

My autoride says we’re five minutes away.

Ok, I’ll warm up the printer.