Catapult Alumni | Poetry
A brand new world

My insensitive mother once said “those who lose one sense, develop another” What use is my acute sense of smell, except in a fire? Metal scrapyard voice of the Windows screen readerReminds me of the clanky transition,I wish, wasn’t mine.I fish for treasures in all that white trashy polyphonic noiseuntil my head bursts.Conquer JAWS or […]

Sep 23, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Poetry

When the driver introduced us to the valley guards as tourists from India, my mother snapped rudely“I am Kashmiri, I grew up here” Wagging her local tongue  bobbing her foot-long wedding earrings strung behind her neatly coiffed black and white bun His disdainful eyes and curled lips remained unbelieving. Kashmir, the valley of almond blossoms, […]

Sep 23, 2020
Catapult Alumni
I don’t want to be like you anymore

I know I make you uncomfortable Being gender fluid and blind Is a triple whammy It messes up your head. All those years I wasted because i despaired that I could not be like you Wedding sangeets, showy procreations, baby shower(s) with pink or blue balloons, Cheerful diwali parties, gender war jokes Birthday cakes designed […]

Aug 30, 2020