On Campus

Places | On Campus
Teaching in Trumpland

“Fueled by the 2016 campaign, ugly prejudices deeply rooted in our community would slither into the light.”

Aug 21, 2017
Places | On Campus
Why Writers Should Teach High School

Many writers spend years looking for the light at the end of the adjunct tunnel. I took another route: teaching high school.

Aug 9, 2017
Places | On Campus
How My Students Have Given Me Hope Since the Election

“I generally try to keep politics out of the classroom, but this year it hasn’t been possible.”

Jul 5, 2017
Places | On Campus
Teaching in the Trump Era: How Do We Provide Support and Sanctuary to Our Students?

As an educator, I’m still discerning what it means to try and protect my students while empowering them.

Jun 8, 2017
Places | On Campus
The Future in Motion: Why I Judge High School Debate Tournaments

“You hope and hope they’ll get their chance and you know it’s possible they won’t.”

May 22, 2017
Places | On Campus
Notes From a Young Professor: Writing and Teaching Through Charlottesville’s Culture Wars

The police are there, expecting us, academics in revolutionaries’ outfits.

May 4, 2017
Places | On Campus
A Conversation About Disability Rights in Education

“We need to move our schools toward increased inclusion and disability justice.”

Nonfiction | On Campus
Collecting and Healing a Fragmented Self

Learning to Practice Self-Care and Self-Love Away from School

Mar 8, 2017