Views from the Metropolis

Places | Views from the Metropolis
Considering My Debt to Istanbul in the Wake of the Elections

“Today’s Turkey is a place where about half of the population is utterly dismayed by the state of affairs, while the other half couldn’t be more thrilled.”

Jul 18, 2018
Places | Views from the Metropolis
A Resilient Istanbul Nightlife Despite Sobering Liquor Taxes

An inverse relationship between the price of a drink and Turkey’s stability.

Jun 14, 2018
Places | Views from the Metropolis
Old and New Turkey Square Off

“Turkey remains a country too complex and rich to split into tired binaries of east/west, secular/religious, and Old/New.”

May 3, 2018
Places | Views from the Metropolis
Altering the Face of Istanbul’s Aesthetic Beauty

The state and the private sector foist unsightliness on an otherwise gorgeous Istanbul.

Mar 28, 2018
Places | Views from the Metropolis
The Modern Reality of Istanbul’s Urban Chaos

Istanbul is a labyrinth of apartment blocks with limited green space for millions of its residents.

Feb 27, 2018
Places | Views from the Metropolis
Ghosts and The City

“Gentrification and excessive development are major realities in major global cities, but in Istanbul, they’re on steroids.”

Jan 25, 2018