
People | Generations
Family, Fate, and Two Astrologies

The Eastern Zodiac is one area of mysticism my family can all agree on.

Nov 7, 2016
People | Generations

“He’s overdoing it. He always overdoes it. It is just Halloween.”

Oct 26, 2016
People | Generations
Inheritance and Time Travel

“I fear inheriting motherhood, a hot white Southern house.”

Oct 26, 2016
People | Generations
How I Talk to My Mother

We share a weakening grasp on a native language, and this is something that ties us together.

Oct 12, 2016
People | Generations
Bringing Up Brother

I’ve been a caregiver all my life. Why don’t I long for kids of my own?

Oct 3, 2016
People | Generations
The Crematorium

“‘Dying isn’t the end of the world,’ my mom liked to joke.”

Aug 8, 2016
People | Generations
A Belated Baby Shower

“I made nametags. Mine read ‘Nancy—Dillon’s Other Mother.’”

Jul 25, 2016