
Fiction | Flash
The Smell of All Mothers

It was That Smell, that-so-familiar-one that hurt me not to remember where I’d smelled it before.

Mar 6, 2020
Fiction | Flash
150 bpm

It’s the heartbeat that I can’t forget. When the sonogram technician held her transducer to my abdomen and turned up the sound I was surprised by its rapidity.

Feb 28, 2020
Fiction | Flash
Si Dios Quiere

Raul returns the greeting, always the same: by running his pointer finger over his throat in disapproval.

Dec 13, 2019
Fiction | Flash
The Whales

The whales would sing because they were alone, but with each other, their song a reminder that loss and exile are linked.

Nov 1, 2019
Fiction | Flash
Shadow Box

“It’s all well and good to dream. Dreaming keeps a body moving.”

Sep 6, 2019
Fiction | Flash
Before the Crossing

The boy loved seeing the tent from outside, lit up by firelight, glowing brightest where it was wearing thin.

Jun 28, 2019
Fiction | Flash
Whatever Doesn’t Kill Me

You’re safe now, said the plates, the walls, the glasses, even the golden chandelier that I hadn’t noticed before.

May 24, 2019
Fiction | Flash
You and Me, Bird

Your near-life experiences have coalesced in this momentary identity. You are a woman speeding along I-10 with a caged green-cheeked conure chirping by her side.

May 17, 2019
Fiction | Flash
Tumblr vs. Democracy

They tell me that my new job is to chisel a deep and lasting crack into the foundation of American democracy.

Apr 26, 2019
Fiction | Flash
My Ex and My Ex-Chicken

I started to wonder how the hell she’d found me after all these years, but I was starting to realize that any chicken with the amount of determination I was seeing now would hardly be deterred from tracking me down.

Feb 22, 2019