
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Excerpt from ‘Stuck in Eden’

This novel excerpt was written by Kelly Anne Bonner in Lynn Steger Strong’s 12-Month Novel Generator.

Nov 29, 2021
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Excerpt from ‘Must Be Nice’

This novel excerpt was written by Katie Virnig in Lynn Steger Strong’s 12-Month Novel Generator.

Nov 29, 2021
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Excerpt from ‘American Cheese’

This novel excerpt was written by Winshen Liu in Lynn Steger Strong’s 12-Month Novel Generator.

Nov 29, 2021
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Excerpt from ‘Old Enough’

This novel excerpt was written by Haley Jakobson in Lynn Steger Strong’s 12-Month Novel Generator.

Nov 29, 2021
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Pot Roast from Vance Godbey’s

The Hayloft on Jacksboro Highway didn’t have an outside light over the door, let alone a pole light in the parking lot. The sign atop the dilapidated building was barely recognizable as a sign at all, being as it was only half a sheet of rotted plywood on which Inez’s third husband, Dick, had scribbled […]

Oct 25, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
The Red Moon

My father turned into the driveway a little too fast, just like he always did. The Studebaker’s engine growled and the spring shocks squealed as my mother held her breath and closed her eyes, and my brother and I bounced in the back seat, almost hitting our heads on the roof. It was a Sunday […]

Oct 25, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Shadow Boys

The shadow boys live in the Fort Worth & Denver City rail yard amongst the empty cars and tool shacks. When the freight men shuffle the cars or ransack the shacks for parts, tools, or machinery, the boys scatter like rats in a woodpile. The freight men seldom give chase because the boys are far […]

Oct 25, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
The Cat had been Calico

Previously published in Exhuming Alexandria

Oct 25, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Eastern Shore

The desk was littered with a myriad of no longer sticky, sticky notes, scribbled up scraps of paper and several pocket sized composition notebooks in varying conditions of tatter. A pearl white coffee mug splotched with dribs of coffee sat on a cork coaster, which sat on a scrawled over desk calendar still showing October […]

Oct 25, 2020
Catapult Alumni | Fiction
Black Ankle Fiddler

George Booker could not, by any stretch, be considered a good, God-fearing man. He was never with a woman he didn’t cheat on, always carried weighted dice, he killed two men in fits of rage, and had broke clean from the law without punishment on every transgression against man and God. No, George Booker was […]

Oct 25, 2020