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Which Books Would You Choose for an English Course?

For our April Writing Question of the Month, we asked our instructors: If you could design your own syllabus for an English course without restrictions, what are five books you’d choose to include?


China Men

Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen

Black Jesus and Other Superheroes

Woman Hollering Creek

When My Brother was an Aztec

This Is the Age We End Discoveryturn around, BRXGHT XYXSPOETRY, The American Poetry ReviewThe Poetry ReviewTin House, Guernica, Black Warrior Review, Prairie Schooner,Electric Literature,The Kenyon Review

The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext

Breakbeat Poets

The Golden Shovel Anthology: New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks

Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning

Maus I & II

Maus I & II

Beyond Memory: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Creative Nonfiction

Girls in White DressesThe Smart One,The Hopefuls

Bird by Bird

Office of Historical Corrections

Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules

Never Let Me Go


Catcher in the Rye,PrepCatcher in the Rye

Harvard ReviewTin HouseOxford ReviewThe Travelers

Ms. Muriel and Other Stories

The StreetThe StreetThe Narrows,

Another Country

Another Country

Another CountryThe Sun Also Rises.

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also RisesAnother CountryThe Intuitionalist

The Death of Vivek Oji


The EmigrantsSong of SolomonThere, There,The ProphetsThe Sympathizers

In West Mills

The Sheltering Sky

Just As I Am



The Color Purple

Are there any titles you would be sure to include if you were designing a course? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share them with us here or on Twitter (you can tag us at @CatapultStory).