My generation loves a thorough risk assessment. We’re terrified. Our whole lives were dictated by toeing the ‘Hard Work Pays Off’ line, and then…we graduated. We have to keep working hard – and the only reward we get is a cheque, at best. Retail, teaching, law school, or investment banking are all crushing our skull […]
I was attempting to pitch my first tent in the middle of an unseasonable downpour at my first camping music festival. It was cold, and I was miserable. My boyfriend was keeping a close eye on me, monitoring my moods and body language for any sign that I might soon detonate. I was this close […]
Elevation should only happen to people in elevators
For my great-grandmother: Even when things change, memories remain
“Flies and wasps swarmed us, seeking the sweetness of the fruit and alcohol that trickled down blenders and sullied the counters.”
“My sister evolved from a Ms. to a Mrs. that day, and my family was unrecognizable as a family.”