
Nonfiction | On-screen
The fortress of many solitudes: Sherlock and the ‘emotional context’

I love BBC’s Sherlock Holmes exactly because he cracked.

Feb 4, 2017
Nonfiction | Coming of Age
Honest, High, Heartbreaking: SKAM and the new narratives of youth

How do teenagers deal with identity and belonging, how do they express them, how do they articulate them into reality?

Feb 4, 2017
Nonfiction | Coming of Age
Pier Vittorio Tondelli 25 years later.

The bittersweet struggle of living and the dignity of pain.

Feb 4, 2017
Winter Poem

I like what beginnings promise. i like how december is lit up like a million christmas trees to counter the bleak gnawing underneath the surface i like how people say ‘may peace be with you’ because they mean it and isn’t that what we all truly hope for, anyway? i like how december is a […]

Jan 8, 2017
Nonfiction | Performers
Preventing Employee Burnout in New Hires

Hiring an employee costs both time and money that can’t be recouped if the person hired isn’t a good fit. Therefore, it is important that you don’t do anything that will cause an individual to become bored or otherwise burned out only weeks or months after onboarding. What can a company do to reduce the […]

Dec 19, 2016
Nonfiction | Goodbye to All That
Goodbye to All That Reflecting Light

Thoughts on the Gilmore Girls Revival

Dec 18, 2016
Who Will Deny You and I?

Shadowboxing with the notion of a Trump presidency and my own white privilege while listening to Kendrick Lamar

Dec 16, 2016
Smothered, Fathered and Sistered

My sister was a flamboyant tomboy. She was born with superior self-promotional skills used to equal effect on and off the ball field. Like a hummingbird, she darted from one experience to the next, following each with cleverly-built sound bites targeted toward an already adoring fan club of adults. It did not hurt that she […]

Dec 12, 2016
Nonfiction | Diary
Doubting Fearless Love

It almost seems impossible.

Dec 7, 2016