
Fiction | Short Story
A Gathering of Crows

‘…The dream is a dark lagniappe. The crows are in flight. There are hundreds of them…hundreds of them…flying in a circle It’s early…early in the morning…or evening… I can’t be sure of which… the, the, clouds are touched with gold and steel. I see their eyes…their three lobed eyes blink with slick greasy ease… their […]

Dec 7, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
How to Love a Rabbit

There were a number of things that shaped who Simra was. The most important was that she knew how to love a rabbit.

Dec 7, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Gordo and Mayra’s First Night in America

Alfonzo looked aghast, like they were the two most naïve immigrants in the history of New York. “ICE is preparing to break through that door with guns and night vision goggles, maybe even dogs, and you’re worried about the breeze?”

Nov 30, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Sleepy Things

Tony had only gone on, like, seven dates with Josefín and the jodona was already lounging on Magdalena’s couch.

Nov 16, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
Sources of Finance for Small Business

Mehul Mathrani | Finance Manager | United States

Nov 13, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
The Man in Dick Van Dyke’s Hat

Alan was a broken soul wandering through life without purpose until his Uncle Paul told him a strange, fantastical story about the man in Dick Van Dyke’s hat. The man was a deranged, demonic carnival barker traveling the world in search of broken and damaged souls to entrap in their own private nightmares.
Alan was a perfect target. Could he escape the man’s cotton candy nightmare and possibly save others?

Nov 12, 2018
Slow destruction-theirs.

‘Bi-carbonate soda’ she had said, ‘cuts the grit off marble’. This was her ritual. Always. The marble was a semi circle wedged into a make shift wall. Letters, Christmas cards, birthday cards, outstanding bills, found themselves tucked under a solid globe shaped vase that speckled prisms of blue reminding us it came from Poland. Today’s […]

Fiction | Short Story
North to the Future

If you’re having a good time it usually means you’re having a bad time, I think. So the opposite has got to be true also.

Nov 9, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
The Evacuation

Look at the ocean, they say. Every road will flood. You will be trapped. Your house will be destroyed. Look at it swell.
I’m staying, I say.

Oct 26, 2018
Fiction | Short Story

Short story I wrote for a class; constructive criticism is incredibly welcomed!

Oct 20, 2018