Catapult | Catapult Artist

“Look at everything!”: Celia Jacobs, Catapult Artist of September 2019

Learning to apply my curiosity wherever it’s needed has made my illustration career more fun and maybe more successful, too.

Photo of Celia Jacobs in a bright red button-down shirt and jeans in her beautiful, minimalist work space.
Photo courtesy of Celia Jacobs

An illustration of a man sitting up in a bed, with the ghostly image of a woman transposed before him.
Illustration courtesy of Celia Jacobs for Catapult short fiction piece “The Ghost on Platte River Access Road”

Photo of the artist's work desk, in front of a white-curtained window, surrounded by natural light and two lamps, with paints and supplies strewn throughout the desk space.
Image courtesy of Celia Jacobs

An illustration of a portrait within a portrait within a shadow box, first depicting mother and child, then an inner square of a couple to be wed, and within, a square depicting daughter at mother's death bed.
Illustration by Celia Jacobs for Catapult short fiction “Shadow Box”

An illustration of a thoughtful-looking young black boy being embraced by two white women.
Illustration by Celia Jacobs for Catapult essay “Why We Shouldn’t Call Adoptees ‘Lucky'”