Catapult | Poetry

Laying Down the Groundwork

When I got up before anyone else / I took the heavy clams from the fridge / and put them in a bowl of cool water.

Catapult magazine · Listen to Hedgie Choie read this poem

Laying Down the Groundwork

I took the heavy clams from the fridge
and put them in a bowl of cool water.

in their natural environment

my take on cruelty and death
and the general business of meaning-making.

he found them impossibly closed
guarding tight against the tap water
which would explode their salt-water cells

thatSo much for that, then?
so much?

naturallycrueltyutilityBut back to our scheduled program:

too much?too much.

considering the current unfolding data,
doubt is not the absence of faith
as they say in some other, higher context

Anything with a hinge might as well be open.
That one I heard from an ex-burglar on reality TV.