Catapult | Catapult Artist

Flexibility, Distillation, and Immersion: Ellen Weinstein, Catapult Artist for March 2019

Filling that blank space is a mix of excitement and agony.

Recipes for Good Luck The Atlantic The New York Times

Illustration by Ellen Weinstein for Catapult; as featured in Mary Ann Thomas’ “As a Nurse and Writer, I Work Toward a Culture of Care”

Photograph courtesy of Ellen Weinstein

Can you tell us a bit about your process from start to final execution?

I start every project with pencil and paper thumbnails, including personal projects. If I am working with text, I like to distill down to one sentence what I want to convey in an image. Once I know what I want to say and the feeling I want to create, I sketch many thumbnails. I need to see an idea on paper to know if it is going to work or not. I paint in gouache and compose the final art in Photoshop.

waiting and wading in a pool of red.

Illustration by Ellen Weinstein for Catapult; as featured in Anne-Marie Kinney’s “Cactus City” 

And for How to Move Through the Dark,” it was mother’s arms at water’s edge.

Recipes for Good Luck

Photograph courtesy of Ellen Weinstein

do you come up with ideas for each?