Catapult | Poetry

playing the dozens with loneliness

your lonely ain’t alone if it’s waiting for him

Catapult magazine · Listen to Arriel Vinson read this poem

playing the dozens with loneliness

your lonely so ugly it reaches back for rough memories, parses for the pretty
your lonely so ugly it moans, begging to be let out of its misery
your lonely so ugly it steal the show
your lonely so ugly it’s still ugly after repair
your lonely ugly enough to try and convince itself it’s not
your lonely ugly as busted-up shoes
broken skin
his promises
or utterances or lies
your lonely so ugly it’s violent
your lonely hang from gallows
your lonely weeps and paints the wood bloody
your lonely make everybody run for cover
your lonely stalks his twitter hoping he’ll hold himself accountable
your lonely so ugly, people make excuses for it
your lonely so embarrassed it sneaks and hides in the seasonal depression darkness
your lonely so gauche
your lonely make a congregation trade whispers
your lonely so ugly the pastor don’t wanna pray over it
your lonely ain’t alone if it’s waiting for him
your lonely an invitation
your lonely palpable
your lonely so ugly it became a viral meme
your lonely take up all five lanes on the highway
your lonely revisits the divorce papers like his favorite scripture
[love] does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered
your lonely can recite that in its sleep
your lonely is the ungodly hour
your lonely so ugly it scatters at the sight of itself then cowers in a corner
your lonely so obnoxious, it make everyone stare in its direction
your lonely seeps into the bloodstream
your lonely need freeing from that skin
your lonely so ugly even lonely don’t recognize it