Catapult Extra

The Literary Pet of the Month is Luna

“What Luna lacks in vision, she makes up for in empathy.”

Luna was born mostly blind. The blood vessels in her eyes didn’t have a chance to fully develop. She was taken from her mother way too young, and abandoned in a random field. A few months later, I met her at a shelter in Ellicott City, MD, where a soon-to-be-ex girlfriend convinced me that Luna (formerly Nutmeg) was the one. Weve been inseparable ever since—the dog and I, that is.

What Luna lacks in vision, she makes up for in empathy. When I need a distraction, she becomes a court jester, flopping around right in front of me, snarling and eye-balling me, until I have no choice but to get on the floor with her and wiggle around like two jolly maniacs. When I need to grind out query letters, or concentrate on dull research, she lays by my side, offering her support, sighing from time to time, echoing my sentiment. And when Im truly inspired—completely lost in the throes of creating something special—Luna quietly leaves the room, and waits, patiently, for me to let her know when Im done.

More than just a pet—more, even, than family—Luna is a vital cog in my creative process. She is every bit as important as my pens, and my journals, and my faith in what Im doing. Without her, the quest is doomed. I can only hope, as I read my many drafts out loud to her, that she comprehends the words as accurately as her beautiful blind eyes seem to imply.

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