Fiction | Short Story
champagne brunch

I’m sitting across from him, a pitcher of mimosas between us. I keep drinking them. One after the other, avoiding conversation, I’m good at this, I fucking love champagne. “Marlowe, will you just talk to me, please?” he says, his wannabe Kennedy good looks grimacing. “Sure, Skip why did you sleep with your secretary? You’re […]

Aug 22, 2018
Fiction | Short Story

Prismacolor marker drawings lay crumpled up in the trashcan under the desk. The room is littered with forgotten bottles and books. I walk in and a take pictures, one after the other, sidestepping the body that lays in the middle of the floor. Looks like an overdose; alcohol, drugs. Another shooting star, who can’t handle […]

Aug 22, 2018
Fiction | Short Story

“Patty melt, fries, and a dark chocolate shake please.” She says with a grenadine smile. Her lips stained a syrupy red from spiked Shirley Temples all night. There are five of them sitting at her table, college girls in bar clothes. They come in every few weeks, to this diner a block down from a […]

Aug 22, 2018
Fiction | Short Story

She mashes avocado with crushed red pepper, sea salt, ground black pepper, and a little lemon juice. Sourdough bread is toasting. She slices half a grapefruit and pours herself an iced coffee. She takes a deep breath. She can do this. Eat something besides dinner. She wants to run ten miles later, can’t do that […]

Aug 22, 2018