Dream 473

a poem

Jan 16, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
A Childhood Friend Contacted Me Out of the Blue and the Reason Why Will Horrify You – Part II

Looking back, it all kicked off because I’d had a shit night. Josh and I had somehow regressed to basic, functional communication via text. How you? – Yeah alright. U? – that kind of thing. It was upsetting, so naturally instead of confronting my problems I’d stayed up all night drinking screwdrivers. I woke up […]

Jan 10, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
A Childhood Friend Contacted Me Out of the Blue and the Reason Why Will Horrify You – Part I

Two crazy things happened to me last year. Firstly, after years of procrastination, I decided to finally to pursue my dream of authoring a novel in the young adult/supernatural fantasy genre (for brevity, let’s just say something along the lines of Harry Potter, or Twilight if it didn’t completely blow). Up to this point, I’d […]

Jan 7, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
The Highway Part I.

Every day for the last eight months, I’ve walked down the highway after dark. I find that, amonst other things, it helps clear my head after a soul-crushing day of data entry and meaningless office chatter. Now it’s become so much part of my routine that every day after I leave work I feel a […]

Jan 5, 2018