A Conversation with Meredith Talusan

“I didn’t have a lot of connections when I started writing, but I’d spent a lot of time making sure I had something to say and could say it well.”

Nov 27, 2017
A Conversation with Amanda Woytus, Host of Life TK

Meet Amanda Woytus, a Catapult Writing Program alumna & a podcast host for women whose futures are yet to be written.

Oct 27, 2017
Catapult Staff: What Makes You a Better Writer?

Absorb everything. Write most of it down. If it’s still magic after you finish, cut until all that is left are the words you want.

Oct 11, 2017
A Conversation With Catapult Instructor David Burr Gerrard

“Non-existence is a reasonably pleasant state, and if you’re going to use language to conjure people out of that reasonably pleasant non-existence and on to the terrifying page, you owe them your soul.”

Oct 5, 2017