Catapult | Catapult Artist

“It’s important to make time for friends and sunshine.”: Meryl Rowin, Catapult Artist for April 2019

“In college, I think there was this idea floating around that a real illustrator worked all night—and if they weren’t, they were half ass-ing it. [Now,] I like to give my brain some time to absorb and to rest in equal measure.”

Eat Joy

Illustration by Meryl Rowin for Catapult; as featured in Tenley Lozano’s “Less Than 1% of Military Divers are Women—I Was One of Them”

Photograph courtesy of Meryl Rowin

Photograph courtesy of Meryl Rowin

We are so excited about your work on the upcoming book from Catapult—Eat Joy, edited by Natalie Eve Garrett. Can you tell us a bit about any unique challenges/joys that presented themselves during that project?

Eat Joy

Photograph courtesy of Meryl Rowin


Illustration by Meryl Rowin for Catapult; as featured in Sari Botton’s “The Summer I Became a Thief”

Eat Joy

Illustration by Meryl Rowin for Catapult; as featured in Dominica Phetteplace’s “The Cost of Dehaunting”