Things | On-screen

The Male Gaze: Objectification in the Narrative World

“We have become so good at seeing our environment—our planet and the people upon it—as a rolling scroll of film.”

male gaze

gazeI want you to know that wasn’t just a story. I want you to know that I hate women.Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go walk the dog. Do you even know what that means?

You may think your last name is Valente but this is my wedding so tonight you’re just Mrs. Finnell to me.


Braiding Sweetgrass,whoit.

National Geographic

delete those words,

I guess this class was okay, even if we didn’t cover iambic pentameter. I’ll just bring my own knowledge to my final portfolio from Mr. ____’s class, and also what I know about conflict in stories since we didn’t cover that in such a rudimentary class.You would do well to take an intermediate workshop where we will cover craft topics in greater depth.

please don’t kill me in the many ways you can.