Things | Rekindle

Reading Underwater: Reckoning With Myself as a Woman of Color Amid a White Literary World

“My reading trajectory hadn’t equipped me with how I saw myself.”

The Enchanted Wood

Faraway TreeWishing Chair

The Hardy BoysA Christmas CarolJane EyreThe BorrowersAnimal Farm

National GeographicWar and Peace The Catcher in the Rye

JPod You Shall Know Our VelocityEverything Is Illuminated Infinite Jest Lullaby

The Left Hand of Darknessit is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the endWho will see it in the darkness of my leaves? Who will count the number of them?

The Handmaid’s TaleThe Bell JarOrlandoWhite TeethI, Etcetera

The Woman Warrior, Americanah

Open CityDo Not Say We Have NothingThe Opposite HouseKinder Than Solitude