Things | Exhibit

Capture This: How We Live Away From the Lens

I was embarrassed each time I got out my camera.

. Capture this, please,I’ll get it,

I’m taking a video

that’s badass, you should Instagram that. I’m an ice runner now, guys,

Parents, you can’t block the kids from seeing the performance. This is their performance,. We are here for them.

This is ridiculous,Isn’t this supposed to be a progressive place,

These are educated people,They looked like people you would like,These are all the parents taking pictures,

Could we stay with you guys?Sure,

We’re driving into Boston Thursday, I’d love to see you both, I’d love for you to finally meet our girls.

I’m available till 3 on Thursday,Alas, I have sad news

M died in June and I hadn’t known how to tell you,The loneliness doesn’t go away

You look like you!I knew you would, You look like you,

I think that’s what she looked like, She looked so healthy,

This is the woman who taught me somehow, without meaning to, how to be a human. This woman and her husband used to take me out to dinner sometimes when I was a fucked up kid.It’s been a long time since I’ve done this,

Lynn Steger Strong will teach a writing workshop here at Catapult—The Novel Generator: Twelve Weeks to a Full Draft.