Where We Write

Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Lucy Tan Writes

I find that stories tend to unlock themselves when looked at indirectly, so I’m always searching for ways to engage my conscious mind and take pressure off the page.

May 11, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Hua Hsu Writes

Yes, that is a wine fridge under my desk.

Apr 28, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Crystal Hana Kim Writes

Before, this room was full of books, a reading chair, plants. Now we’ve got a crib, a changing table, a glider. I’ve kept my desk, though.

Apr 22, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Ingrid Rojas Contreras Writes

The three Polaroids that hang by my desk are from different parts of the story, but it helps to have them nearby.

Apr 15, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Alanna Bennett Writes

My desk has to hold all the different versions of me, the good days and the bad. So far, it has.

Apr 5, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Tommy Pico Writes

By necessity, my workspace must be extremely versatile (much more versatile than my boudoir life I might add)

Apr 5, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
Where Lydia Kiesling Writes

One day we will clean it all up and fix ourselves.

Apr 5, 2021