
Seasons of My Life

Season Of Wealth-Building

Season of Health

I sacrificed my health for the last twenty-nine years building my finances and family. I raised four children, and we sent them to the best school. At that time money was not an issue. It was important to us that they attended a Christian private school. They got involved in the martial arts at an early age, and they mastered the art which they use in all aspect of their lives. The oldest is now pursuing music and still do business also, the oldest daughter is in LA focusing on her acting. The two youngest are still teaching martial arts and about to branch out to fashion and fitness online. They are building their brands so they can make an impact on others while they are financially independent. They work closely with their father who likes to have them in his circle. I’ve worked hard, and now my children are grown, my relationship with them is robust and secure. I did not focus on my health, I got sick and almost die.

Season Of Family

I am the oldest of seven children and since my father died at an early age, I helped my mother to raise my siblings. I got married and became an instant mom to two kids from my husband first marriage. I love them as my children because I love their father. Eventually, we have two children of our own, and we became a blended family. Now I have four children, a husband and a dog which require constant attention and care. I had to cook, clean, laundry, driving in the morning and early afternoon before we open the door at the location for our business. I was a strict parent while my then husband was their friend. Since we came from different cultures, I could not understand how he was able to let them get away with some stuff. The business was my second priority, and I love them. I love all the vacations and the good and the bad experiences we shared. I woke up to read and set my mind of the goals for the day. I had a list each day and sometimes I made a list the night before. If I did not finish everything on the list, it was ok with me.

Season Of Wealth-Building

This season merged with the family season because my then husband was also my partner in business. We followed the vision and attended several seminars. We met long hours with mentors and potential partners. We contributed to the community, and we built connections to grow our business, we sold goods and services. We created our wealth from hard work. We made decisions about investments for our children and our future. We identify how to cut expenses by purchased used cars and so on. We had a humble beginning in our business; we used our office supplies from home to run the business. We set goals to set ourselves up for life. We worked long hours to developed others so we can expand the business. We refinanced our home and took the second mortgage to broaden the business. In this season at first, we used what we have such as our computers, desks from home to started the business. We ate pasta most of the day because of the cost, and it is the great source of energy.

Season Of Personal Enrichment

This season is through giving and generosity that I can achieve success. It is about charity, giving back and building community connections. I am involved in my church and the school in my community. I get up each morning and help with special needs children. I fed my birds name Raj, and sometimes I feed my nephew’s dog and rabbit. I attend personal development and seminars to learn more how to work with these exceptional children by following the ABA protocol. I pick up the lunches for the students, and I also help with other classes. Since I have experiences in different areas of work, I worked for ten years for various hospitals and doctors offices. After I had married, I worked for thirteen years as president of a martial art business.